The Legend of Black Midas


credit: "The Stone of Hope" carved by Lei Yixin @ the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial | photo taken by Nicholas Fogle

credit: "The Stone of Hope" carved by Lei Yixin @ the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial | photo taken by Nicholas Fogle


He could double your cash, he could  double your clothes, he could double your food, he could double your stove... 

Black Midas, Black Midas...I wish everything I touched
doubled up
like you.
Oh, I wish I had that Black Midas touch too.

I hear the stories and I know the tales, 
Black Midas changed the hood for real.

He could’ve done wrong... he could’ve gone bad

he could’ve done so much 

to make the hood sad.

He wasn’t a king, 

he was just a man. 

He didn’t seek treasure,

but to bring pleasure to the land.

Everything he touched 

did not turn to gold 

but instead 

it was made 

two fold!

It was  economics...a change to the game

for too long his people were forgotten... 
left in shame.

He understood cause and effect—small wealth can lead to plenty. 

Before he knew it ,he helped so many!

He never asked for returns and had no desire for gain,

for the heart of Black Midas just wanted to make change. 


He could double your cash... he could  double your clothes

he could double your food 

he could double your stove... 

but he would never 

double anything 

that would encourage 

your woes...

“no guns

no drugs

no more violence…”

so were the words 

of Black Midas.