(Untitled) When you are going into that barren sleep

Avondale Kendja

credit: Sumner Mahaffey

When you are going into that barren sleep

I won’t pull the bed of my lap from you.

No—I will wash your face and bend

To whisper some beloved songs I know.

When your breath is growing thinner, is barely seen

Against the mirror of my eyes, my words will kill

The rude babblers of our time. (Their talks rupture and tear

—the soundness of good bonds. They will have no place here.)

Let the quiet be a cord between me and you.


Then after you leave and you find a place no one can be,

You won’t miss this false paradise you left behind.

Or if you aren’t you anymore after your eyes close,

The roars and growls you fear will be as coos.

Monsters’ maws morph into hands of darkness soft with words.

So let me sit with you, praise you under the mystery of sound.

Let be, and go into the light-deep sleep.